Jake wanted a trip to the beach for his birthday, which was the 19th of February. For the adults, that means an hour’s drive to a good beach, an hour’s drive back, and clothes and car full of sand at the end of the day. We put it off one week because of weather and dangerous conditions in the surf, but this Sunday Karen and I broke down and took Jake, Charlotte, Kaylah and Tylah to the
As is my custom on such occasions, I took the opportunity to take a nap. In my blog entry of
This past Sunday after church we all went to the beach. The kids enjoyed it their way and I enjoyed it my way. My Sunday afternoon nap yields to no man’s worldly pleasures. And, okay, I know I’m overselling
Well, the same two-hour nap on the same beach in February produced a very different result.
Everywhere that wasn’t covered is red as a beet. So, one lesson for the next trip is to apply sunscreen liberally the minute I get to the beach. A lesson for some future trip to the beach a few months from now is to start exercising to build up my stamina enough to spend more than 15 or 20 minutes jumping around in the water so I have something to do besides sleep while the kids are playing.
Back to the sunburn issue,
Obviously I don’t have that special power.
I’ll be preaching this coming Sunday about Naaman, the man in the Old Testament who was healed of leprosy. By then I should be peeling nicely so it should all work out perfectly. I’ll be my own sermon illustration.
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