Sometimes we argue. He always wins, but I still love the conversation. Sometimes we're just re-confirming what we both already know, just because it's always so nice to be agreed with, and to hear it again. Sometimes I ask him for stuff. Sometimes the answer is yes, and it was something amazing and incredible and huge and he does it like it was easy, and then I want to look around and point him out to somebody and say "THAT's my DADDY!" Sometimes it's no, but he's still both Lord and Daddy, and somehow I feel better anyway, just for having had the conversation, even if I think it really stinks that he didn't give me what I asked for, because I really wanted it bad. But prayer is never futile.
Regardless of how often in our conversations I'm asking for stuff, and regardless of whether he gives it to me, the coolest thing in the world about prayer is this: The more time I spend with him, the more often people say to me, "man, you sound just like your dad." Most days I love that way more than the other stuff.
Prayer is never futile.