07 December 2007

the goal worth living for

Today's blog is written by Karen instead of Brad. Brad's been too sick to update the blog lately.

Physically, Brad's wearing down. While he can still eat and drink and can walk on his own with a cane, it takes a lot of effort and tires him out. He is nauseated often and in some pain a good deal of the time. He's homebound and only moves slowly around the apartment. The hospice nurses were able to help us get a hospital bed here so that Brad can sleep more comfortably. They've helped us get prescriptions for more effective pain and nausea meds. They've offered us counselling and friendship and help.

Friends have phoned from around the world to tell us they love us and are praying for us.
Family and friends email us daily to tell Brad about the influence he's had on their lives... and that they love us and are praying for us. People I work with and people our kids go to school with are telling us daily that they love us and are praying for us. We are completely surrounded by the prayers and goodwill of loved ones.

So, in spite of physical weakness... in spite of the deterioriation of Brad's body... even though
our most heartfelt prayer hasn't been answered yes YET..........
we are hopeful. Hopeful that God is waiting... waiting... waiting... till there's no confusion that it's His handiwork and then Brad will be healed. Hopeful that Brad can still make a difference in people's lives even while he's sick nearly to death. Hopeful that the love God planted in Brad and allowed Brad to share so widely through his writings ~ that love would continue to spread and change peoples lives. That's the dream that we're working toward. That we can show the folks around us that have no hope, that are nearly to the point of giving up that somebody loves them completely, unconditionally, no matter what they've done. That we can help them believe again that they are valued and valueable.

That's a goal worth living for.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thank you Karen for letting us know how Brad is doing. We love you guys and pray daily for everyone there.

Renae Tolbert said...

Hi Karen and Brand,
We love you guys. I still pray for you everytime I see your picture on my refrigerator. Give Brad a hug for us and tell him we love him. In Him, Renae

Renae Tolbert said...

Hi Karen, sorry I misspelled Brad's name. What a dweeb. I haven't changed. :)

antigone1022 said...

Thanks for giving the time to update the blog when you must have so much else on your mind but please do keep just telling us how he is...whenever you can spare the time. Best Wishes to you all, especially to Brad

Brad Steele said...

Brad and Karen,
I haven't been to Nazent in quite sometime. But for some reason this morning I just thought I would go and see what was happening. I am overwhelmed with sadness as I read of Brad's condition.
I called my Brad immediately, and we just feel so helpless. Please know that we are praying for you both and your wonderful family. I don't know all the details of what is going on and I see that you are living now is Austrailia. Right??
Are you accepting calls? I don't want to be a bother, just express our love to you. You all have been such wonderful special friends to us.

We Love You!

Beth and Brad Steele

m&p said...

We don't know each other, we've never meet. I only know you as "www.brad's big bad... Blog" but this morning as I sit in a crowded coffee shop I fight back tears. Tears of joy, tears that reflect beauty, tears that say "may I, a 24 year old, new to ministry live as you've lived, impact as you've impacted, and leave ripples around the world as you have." These tears are tears of honor, being proud to call a complete stranger a friend, an example.

Thank you for your blog, thank you your life, and may my life, and the lives of hundreds of other "misplaced texans" leave such fingerprints of God on the world around them.

well, people are starting to look at me and my wet face, blessings till we meet again.

antigone1022 said...

How is Brad, I'm worried?