11 November 2007

The Farewell Tour

I'm writing this from Dallas. It's been a great week. I've had my parents, siblings and their significant others with me the whole time, and a steady stream of aunts, uncles, cousins and friends coming through, eager to do something, anything, for me, and to tell me they love me. We've watched old family home movies, re-told the old favorite stories and jokes and laughed ourselves silly. I have a wonderful, fun, loving family.

Wednesday night we went to supper at Richardson Church of the Nazarene. A steady stream of cool old friends stood in line for a chance to tell me what I've meant to them and how much they love me. I've had a good life.

I've had e-mails plotting the future of NewStart-RiverCity, the church we're preparing to plant in Brisbane. I've had an email exchange with a Nazarene general superintendent who knows and loves me and is praying for a miraculous healing.

Physically I feel like I'm continuing to decline, but spiritually and emotionally I'm on top of the world.

Keep praying for a miracle.



Unknown said...

I love you, sweet darlin'.
Still praying for that miracle.
Jake got a "blessed" towel for you to sleep on from a friend of his at school who's praying for you. :-)
We miss you. And we love you.
Looking forward to Tuesday morning when we see you. karen

Unknown said...

um.... Thursday morning........
the OTHER tuesday. ;-)

Susan Davidson said...

After 30 years of friendship I feel so lucky that we have laughed and prayed together. We have so many funny memories of our earlier juvenile behavior in church. You and Doug were a handful to keep focused! He still remembers your interesting Bible verse lessons during the sermons. Thank goodness Karen was the saint in our group and forgave everyone:) We love you and pray for just one more game of "Zonk".

Doug & Susie

Anonymous said...

I love you too Brad. We've never met but we will one day.
My final results on this brain aneurysm is that nothing more can be done. Just more pain killers too lessen the severity of these increasing headaches.
One amazing thing has come of all of this is that I do KNOW my Lord and Saviour now. Yet I do regret all those lost years of wanting to actually feel loved.
So, my healing in a sense has come because I FEEL love and I KNOW love and life is so precious and good.

Your sister in Christ, Carolyn

Unknown said...

There aren't words to express how incredibly sad I feel or how cheated of future memories I feel, or how confused I am on when God decides to do a miracle. On the other hand your life has touched people you will never know or meet. It's like passing a smile on from stranger to stranger. There are so many people praying for you and for the whole extented family from my office here. It's cool to see how many wonderful people there are and how much your blog touches them. I love you so much and would give anything if I could take this away from you.

Melissa said...

Hello Brad,

I know you only through the spirit of your sister Janet. Thank you for being the living example of a Christian Warrior! I can’t imagine having the strength without Christ. I’m lucky and blessed to have your sister Janet in my life. Her stories of your family and memories are something I continue to look forward in sharing.

I will continue to pray for your faithful peace of mind and loving heart. Although I have not had the pleasure of shaking your hand, please know that I’ve felt your strength and will through others…and I applaud you. We need more Brad’s on earth.

Very Sincerely,
Melissa Jones
(Janet’s co worker)

Charlotte said...

I love you, Daddy! You're my favorite Daddy on Earth.

rmercer said...

It was a great week. It's always brought me happiness to spend time with you. It felt great for mom and I to be able to help take care of you last week, even though you can put down water like a camel ;)
Sitting up in bed, and watching CNN
and talking politics was great.
I'm a better person for knowing you.
I love you and miss you!!

Christer said...

How great it was that you were able to come and visit.
Even tough I pray for The Miracle, I think that what I saw in your eyes and what I heard in your voice is a miracle in itself; The Abba Father giving us the peace in ANY circumstance to tell others that "...it is all good" and that "..God is Good".
I'm in Spain and it is 4am and jet lag keps me awake. A good moment to be still ...
I will see you again.

Your Brother,

Renae Tolbert said...

Thank you, Brad, for giving us such a powerful example of II Corinthians 4:16-18 being lived out.

You touched my life when Renae and I lived in Little Elm, and you continue to touch my life because of your focus on serving Jesus and loving those around you. Thank you.

Have a great day! Love ya, bro.
Marion, NC