31 August 2007

A Year in Australia

We moved to Australia one year ago this weekend. It hasn't been the year we expected. I now spend a shocking amount of time, energy and thought on bowel movements. I wonder if each minor physical issue is a sign of my time line being shortened still further.

On the other hand, tomorrow night we'll watch the fireworks at "Riverfire" in downtown Brisbane, or "the City", as they call it. It's by far the largest, most impressive fireworks display I've ever seen in my life anywhere. Almost as nice, a few members of our group have to get there early in the day to save a good spot for the evening fireworks display, because both sides of the river will be packed beyond capacity by the time the show starts. The nice part is that by being one of the volunteers to get there early I can spend the whole day lying around on a blanket on the grass, sleeping in the name of noble self-sacrifice. You gotta love that.

Then on Sunday morning Roland and Emmy and Karen and I will attend part of a district pastor's retreat. That'll be a good time.

The best thing I have to show for my year, as far as advancing the purpose for which we came though is that people's hearts are growing softer. People who were suspicious and guarded toward each other are getting sweeter and tenderer and experiencing new joy in rediscovering God's love. And, of course, although it's not nearly as much as I want to accomplish, there's some small value in my mere being here, as it reconfirms in the hearts of others the value and power of the dream we share. It helps keep hope alive, and hope is one of those three powerful things the Bible mentions in the same ranks as faith and love.

Anyway, I've had this day and I have a reasonable expectation of an enjoyable, fruitful weekend. An old hymn from my childhood asserts that Jesus "never has failed me yet." In that same vein I can say that, so far at least, God is still God and love is still enough, and that gives me confidence that, no matter the circumstances, the same will be true tomorrow.


Hans Deventer said...

Thanks Brad

rmercer said...

I hope your weekend is a great one.

Love you!